save $222 on enrolment & snag awesome bonuses when you join before May 14, 2024

Join The Sisterhood

Revolutionary Sisterhood of Style

Revolutionary Sisterhood of Style

A live 10-week virtual styling program, offered only a few times a year for an intimate cohort of women.

Go ahead—be incendiary in style. We’re here to fan your flame as you dare to be YOU.

a live 10-week program, offered only a few times a year for an intimate cohort of women.

Ignite your soul. Stoke your desire. Light up the world.

Join The Peacock Club

Welcome to our private dressing room. It’s the boutique of your heart’s desires.

Where you can try on all manner of pleasurable garments, colours, accessories—and postures!

You’re not just looking for clothes. You’re here for camaraderie with other adventurous women, for the sharing of outrageous dreams, and for laughing your panties off in fits of unstoppable joy.

Come experience the joie de vivre. We’re pulling back the velvet curtain and inviting you in.

Because we know your soul style needs some encouragement.


You were confident shopping for the superstar 27-year-old woman you were before—but not for the gracefully accomplished, powerful peacock you are now.

Your body, which you’re so grateful for and serves you so well, is going through changes that make it hard to connect with your inner self despite yoga and meditation.

You’re managing gray hair and hormonal or metabolic changes. And definitely feel a lower tolerance for uncomfortable style. It’s a new season to embrace and elevate.

You’ve purged your closet with the goal of an overhaul—but nothing left feels good or speaks to you.

You’re stuck on how to replace pricey wardrobe staples without settling for “classic” and “safe” even though you need pieces that will bring you enduring joy.

You crave colourful, cultural, curvacious, and boldly feminine styles. Maybe even daring, opulent, and extravagant—but what you’ve got just doesn’t serve.

We see you hiding from yourself. Stop playing small, sister. It’s time to show up confidently for work, for life,

for yourself.

“I now feel comfortable claiming my space in the world, confident that I look good in my own special way, and that I have the tools to continue feeling beautiful. THAT is empowering!” 

- Ruth, Archivist



To find and seek your pleasure and signature style without shame or justification. To let go of what’s holding you back from bursting forth with a style that matches your energy.


For learning how to recognize the styles that resonate with you and integrating them comfortably into your lifestyle.


To lean into support from others who get it. Because you can’t look to friends and colleagues who aren’t also aiming for that outspoken style you seek for yourself.


For curating a wardrobe that makes you feel ridiculously, unreasonably, undeniably beautiful—with or without the stilettos!


To take up as much room as you want. To get big and then bigger. To be bold, fierce, and unapologetic in your desires. And to go after your next goal because you already look the part!


We don’t blush or shy away from the power of pleasure here. We indulge it.

The intentional practice of joy and personal expression is something you model for your daughters, friends, and female colleagues. You wear your desires on your sleeve when you show up purely and gloriously as yourself.

This is your chance to harness and delight in your inner power and take it to the next level. I want you to see yourself as THAT woman who makes the rules, breaks the rules, creates the rules. To get comfortable flirting with the outrageous desires you’d never dare try alone.

I’m Joy Asibey-Gabriel. Your Feminine Adornment Coach and Personal Stylist.

This magnificent space, The Peacock Club, is made for you, me, us. A daring and synergetic community for co-creating and elevating artistry, femininity, and confidence.

In The Peacock Club, we’re bucking trends, taking up space, and making art and style synonymous with life. Because when we light from within, we light the world around us.

Join The Sisterhood

"Joy’s the little voice in my head that says, go for it!"

– Rachael, Account Executive

Click to watch!

How it works

Through a guided and intuitive style philosophy that empowers you to experiment and explore.


Dress with a pleasure-first mindset, remembering that it’s not about the clothes. It’s about how your wardrobe makes you feel.


Your clothes are a powerful way to express who you are and who you desire to be in this world


Your personal style is a tool to align with your highest self. When you’re in alignment, you are in your power, poised to create impact, to be more of who you are on the outside.


You are always in a state of creation. As the artist painting the picture, you get to decide the woman you want to become.


Push your edges and seek the outrageous. Explore outside your comfort zone and you will be rewarded.


Build a wardrobe that aligns with your lifestyle and your regular activities while reflecting your personal style.


When you know who you are and who you want to become, you can attract your dreams and desires.

Here's how Your soul style's journey unfolds each week 

Week 0

A personal, 30-minute call with Joy to set goals and intentions, begin a style journal, and get started with “homeplay” activities.

Explore the pleasure and sensuality of clothing and dressing as a form of self-care. Learn what ignites you for the day ahead.

Create a daily adornment ritual and build your Pleasure Dressing Menu to deepen connection with your own beauty and divinity.

Align with your inner muse by creating a vision of who you’re becoming and tapping into that eternal source of sartorial guidance.

Gain clarity on what’s missing from your wardrobe. Identify and toss the limiting beliefs and physical pieces that no longer serve you.

Realize the power of owning your beauty and taking up space. Understand why outrageous is the new wardrobe must have.

You’re the Creatrix! Get comfy with changing and breaking the rules. Learn Joy’s secret formula for easy, statement-making style.

Apply everything you’ve learned and receive feedback and support during a live, big-city shopping day with your Peacock sisters.

Create your Signature Soul Style lookbook with simple breakdowns of your key colours, materials, silhouettes, and accessories.

Celebrate your style journey and brand new wardrobe with joyful knowledge that “playing dress up” is the secret to confident style.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Wondering what The Peacock Club looks like inside? Here’s a peek behind the curtain:

what we practice

The art of bragging

To unabashedly flaunt the looks we choose for ourselves. We celebrate the expression of beauty in both conventional and unconventional ways.

The gift of gratitude

To appreciate our magnificent bodies, our achievements, and the ways we show up in life.

The beauty of flow

To get comfortable with sensual movement and open our bodies to new ways of being in the world (no dance experience necessary)!

The joy of sisterhood

To respect and love on ourselves and others, lifting each other up with joy.

SIgn me up  - I'm in!

"The experience was so transformative. Joy helped us recognize, support, and nurture our special, unique, inner and outer beauty in ourselves and each other".

- Ruth, Archivist

Learn how to savour your morning routine by being sure of your outfit choices.

Find friendship and community within a collective of powerhouse women.

Find pleasure in adornment and the sensual side of getting dressed.

Have an elevated confidence in your style and know how to express yourself with clothing.

By the end of our 10 weeks together, you will...

Have clarity on what you enjoy most in terms of colour, fit, fabrics, and the overall look you want to present to the world.

Own and celebrate your unique and undeniable beauty.

Feel like your outsides better reflect the truth of who you are on the inside.

Join The Peacock Club

“Showing up regularly for The Peacock Club helped drive permanent changes in my wardrobe that continue to excite me. It gave me the nudge I needed to buy the items that I desired and not become overwhelmed with the decision-making process.

– Rachael, Account Executive

This could be you....

“We all win when I take up space. I smile more when how I dress and move reflects who I really am. The thing is, Joy is such a top-notch style expert. She gave me the tools to show me I’ve got this!”

– Brandy, Senior Copy Editor

“Joy's thoughtfully curated assignments and fun exercises helped me align my mind, body, and spirit while building a foundational understanding of who I am and how I want to show up in the world.” 

– Juliette, Healthcare Consultant


It’s time to put down "We Should All Be Millionaires" and start feeling like a million bucks right NOW.

The Peacock Club opens this month for you and other powerhouse women to lay the foundation for success—while building the playroom for pleasure!

Where would you be a year from now, if your wardrobe matched your goals? 

The Peacock Club Spring 2024 Cohort


Convenes virtually for the kickoff

Tuesday, May 28 2024 from 1:00-2:00pm EST

Gathers for weekly group coaching

Takes place on Tuesdays from 1:00-2:00pm EST

Revels in S Factor sensual movement classes

Every other Friday from 1:00-2:30pm EST

Shops together in-person In New Orleans

Takes place on Friday, July 5, 2024

Join My Soul Sisters


Need alllll the details? Here’s the full rundown of what you get when you sign up for The Peacock Club:

  • Joy’s signature PEACOCK secrets for your style success!
  • A private one-to-one call to set your intentions for the program.
  • Daily texts straight to your phone to inspire you to dress with pleasure.
  • Connection with up to 9 Peacock sisters who will see, adore, and support you.
  • 10 weeks of exclusive and immersive guidance through LIVE group Zoom sessions.
  • A 2-hour closet clearing co-working session to clear out your closet with accountability and support.
  • A dedicated session to identify and develop your authentic signature soul style.
  • 9 learning models you can easily refer back to anytime for a refresher or confidence boost.
  • “Homeplay” assignments that challenge you to experiment and have fun with your style.
  • 2 monthly Pleasure Dressing Guides featuring curated shopping lists from our favourite Black and POC-owned brands, outfit inspiration, and more.
  • Bi-monthly S Factor classes to get you comfortable with flaunting your style through sensual movement.
  • PEACOCK playlists to dance into the magnificence of your body.
  • An in-person group shopping experience in New Orleans with Joy and your Peacock sisters. Travel is timed with the ESSENCE Festival.

Because you’re worth it, I’m here to support you with a major commitment and investment in yourself. But I’m going to make it accessible, too.

Ready to strut through the door?

Your Investment

Select the plan that works for you

Most flexible

two payments of

$722 USD

Choose this payment plan

Best Value!

One payment of

$1333 USD

I'm ready to pay in full!

“Even now, months later, I continue to use what Joy has taught me and I’m grateful for this experience. It was unforgettable and worth it.”

- Brandy, Senior Copy Editor


If you join your Peacock Sisters by May 14, 2024 you’ll save $222 on enrollment.

You’ll also get this flirty, snazzy Mini Course Bonus:

Elevate Your Underwear. Elevate Your Life.

Upgrade your intimates to find more pleasure and power in your everyday.

Say no more, sign me up!

Earlybird Bonus!

A $69 bonus module that’s yours to explore and play in for FREE.

The Peacock Club is not like other style coaching programs. You won’t find anything close to formulaic beauty and fashion recommendations or boring, tried-and-true advice here.

We’re not here to talk about what’s on trend, to figure out which basic staples to buy, or to read seasonal guides for different body types. Instead, we’re going to recognize and celebrate that you already have your own style.

We’re here to awaken the Creatrix within.

This is your chance to find, hone, own, love, and live your style. You get to be rebellious, try something completely different, play, and lean into stunning, statement-making, enjoyable imperfection.

Refreshing, right? That studded leather jacket is finding new life!

This is what I've been waiting for

Cassandra, Immigration Consultant

“The sisterhood of the group, and the leadership of Joy, continue to resonate long after the course has concluded. I would recommend The Peacock Club to any woman who wants to learn more about herself. Whether you’re already a fashionista, or have no idea where to begin, you will benefit from this experience.”

How to sign up

Step 1: Accept Your Invite

Step 2: Join the club

With only 10 spots per seasonal cohort, The Peacock Club fills fast. Don’t wait to get in the room where it happens.

Step 3: Light Up Your Soul

Once you’ve been admitted and made your commitment, get ready to find your authentic soul sisters and signature style!

“You’ll learn to acknowledge yourself, give yourself permission to display the person you want to display, and overcome internal challenges holding you back from feeling the way that you want to look.” 

Cassandra, Immigration Consultant

Stop scrolling, comparing, and dreaming about how you could look & feel following others’ advice

Your favourite TikTok style influencers and MasterClass gurus don’t know you like you know yourself!

The Peacock Club is here when you’re ready to…..

Reprioritize yourself as the center of the universe you’ve created. Because you’ve earned your throne!

Practice shameless and exhilarating self-care.

Level up your dressing style to flaunt what you’ve got and do your 3C or 4B hair proud.

Embrace frivolity. Because you deserve life’s extravagant pleasures.

Dress with confident ease in the morning light and later light up the night.

Be seen as you’re meant to be seen.

Yessss!!! I'm ready!!!

“After participating in the program with Joy and the other Peacock sisters, I can say that the experience was transformative. Joy helped us recognize, support, and nurture our special, unique, inner and outer beauty in ourselves and each other.”

- Ruth, Archivist

join us!

The Peacock Club is for you if…

You’re ready to be seen and take action on your style curiosities in a community with other women.

You’re committed to attending the scheduled live group sessions

You’re ready to support, witness, cheerlead, and celebrate others—to take the collective higher!

This isn’t for you if…

You don’t have the time, energy, or desire to dive underneath your clothes and explore the thoughts and ideas holding you back.

You’re uncomfortable with sharing your personal breakthroughs in a group setting.

You need direction, a personal shopper, style guides, or a makeover. Instead, this program empowers you to create the transformation for yourself.

Yes! The Peacock Club is For me!


Sign up now and start experimenting!

Pull out your favorite graphic tee, grab that neon blazer, and get those shoulder-sweeping fringe earrings out of your drawer.

Show your sisters what you’ve got!

Most flexible

two payments of

$722 USD

Choose this payment plan

Best Value!

One payment of

$1333 USD

I'm ready to pay in full!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve made it this far, I have a feeling The Peacock Club is speaking to your soul’s desires.

But if you’re on the fence or have questions, I’m here for you! I want you to feel fully confident that this is exactly what you need.

What if I’m interested in a more personalized, one-to-one coaching experience than The Peacock Club?

A group style program isn’t for everyone. If you need individualized, private support—I also offer personal styling. You can read more about that offer here.

What if I can’t attend one of the live group sessions?

The Zoom meetings are recorded but we hope you’ll attend every class. The success of the program and benefit to individuals depends on the commitment of all Peacock sisters.

Is airfare included with the in-person shopping trip? What if I can’t make it?

No, airfare and travel expenses are not included. If you’re not able to attend the trip in person, I will provide you with recommendations for 3 clothing items online.

So what is this S Factor class about? Do I need to be a dancer?

It’s a sensual movement class to make you feel sexy, flirty, and confident in your clothes and with yourself. Absolutely no dance experience required!

What happens to the community, connection, and sisterhood after the 10-week program?

The Peacock sisterhood lives on through the online community!

Step into the dressing room.

Step into sisterhood.

Step into your style, power, and delight!

Join the peacock club now!
  • Fees. The total cost and the payment terms for The Peacock Club are outlined in the payment form. Please note that the total cost does not include travel and accommodations for the in-person shopping event. 
  • Refund Policy. Due to the live nature of this program, we do not offer refunds.